Flight Ticket booking agents

The list is about online flight ticket booking agents across the world by country for your reference; you may find local flight ticket booking service and recommendations on their flight ticket booking websites:


Asap tickets
ADD: 100 Pine Street, Suite 1925, San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: 1-650-238-5588

Fly Europe
ADD: 39 Commercial Street, Portland, ME 04112
Tel +1 207 842 2290

Apple Vacations
ADD: P.O. Box 6500, Newtown Square, PA 19073
Tel: (800) 517-2000

Student Universe
ADD: 130 Turner Street, Suite 530, Waltham, MA 02453
Tel: +1 800 272 9676 (Toll-free within the US and Canada)
+0 808 234 4107 (Toll-free within the UK)
+1 617 321 3100 (From outside the US, Canada or UK)
+86 400 652 5060 or +1 617 321 3159 (China 8AM - 3PM Beijing time)


ADD: F-94 852 Ivry-sur-Seine Cedex, France
TEL: From USA, Canada and Bermuda : (+1) 800 375 8723
TEL: From France and Monaco :  3272 (0.34 €/min)


Flight Centre
Call from within the UK on 0203 056 7993
Call from outside the UK on +44 203 056 7993

Czech Republic                                                                                                                                     

ADD: K letišti 1068/30, 160 08  Prague 6, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 220 116 686


ADD: Room 303-304, Tower A, Yuanjia International Center, 40 Dongzhong Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027
Tel: Mainland China: 400 619 9999    
Other locations: (86 10) 6418 1616,   (86 21) 3210 4669 


Citiair Travel
USA ADD: Citiair Travel, Guilderland, Albany, NY 12084
Toll free : 1.888.248.4697
India ADD: 11 Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Tel: +91(44)26202713